Meet Melissa, You can find her slow living in a cabin in the woods.

Melissa is the photography assistant for HCC, and is responsible for editing the photos and shooting select projects. She is the Founder and Owner of Quarter Moon Studio, where she teaches small business owners about branding, shooting product photos, and how to confidently take their own self-portraits. She also offers photography content for food, herb, and homestead blogs, and provides branding photography for Maine artisans, growers, and healers.

Additionally, she has a side hustle as a professional home organizer - trained and certified by Marie Kondo!

She lives in Maine, in a cabin in the woods with her husband, rescue hound mutt, 2 cats, and a flock of chickens. When she doesn’t have a camera in hand, she’s usually wandering around the woods, brewing a cup of herbal tea, working in the garden, or on the couch reading trashy romance novels or YA Fantasy. 

Follow Melissa’s slow living and expressive photography at @melissakeyser.