4 Reasons ChatGPT Fails at Health Writing

There’s no denying the growing buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Over the last year, there’s been a huge increase in consumer interest in AI, specifically the publically available ChatGPT.

We naturally wanted to learn everything we could about this system, especially related to copywriting, brainstorming, SEO research, and other services we specialize in.

Once we started testing it, we learned that there are some things ChatGPT can be helpful with, like brainstorming! However, when we prompted it to “Write an 800-word blog post about the health benefits of peppermint using a warm and inviting tone,” we noticed some major red flags.

Herbal Content Cottage notebooks
  1. Missing References for Health Claims

ChatGPT does not provide links or resources to support its health claims. In its own words, “I don't have the capability to browse the internet or provide real-time links. My responses are generated based on the data available up to September 2021, and I don't have access to external websites or current information.”

This means ChatGPT could pull its “health” information from anywhere on the web - including uncredible sources that can’t be verified.

When it comes to maintaining the credibility of your brand, you cannot make unwarranted or damaging health claims without risking your reputation.

That’s why it’s so important for wellness-focused businesses to write their copy or work with a copywriter who understands your industry. This will ensure you’re not publishing unsubstantiated health claims that could even contradict what you recommend in your practice.

2. Language is Not Compliant with Federal Regulations

In herbalism, product makers and service providers are legally prohibited from using specific marketing copy that implies the herbs or formulas “diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.” ChatGPT doesn’t seem to be aware of this, and the blog post we tested was riddled with “red flag” language, including words like “relieve,” “remedy,” and “alleviate.” 

Herbal service providers and product makers are regularly fined tens of thousands of dollars for using this language on their websites. Is it worth taking the risk?

At Herbal Content Cottage, our team of herbal writers is trained in compliance so our clients can rest assured that any content we create on their behalf meets the strictest standards.

Typing on computer with herbal cards

3. No Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures people find your website, blog posts, and other content on the internet. ChatGPT doesn’t provide SEO-related research or weave SEO phrases into your content. In the words of ChatGPT itself,

“As an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data, including SEO results. Additionally, I don't have the capability to browse the internet or access search engine databases.”

This is a major problem because one of the biggest benefits of having blog posts on your website is that (when they’re properly optimized) they’re one of the best tools for attracting new website visitors.

Why miss out on the biggest benefits that blogs have to offer?

Hibiscus iced tea

4. Lacks Originality and Humanity

ChatGPT pulls information that already exists on the internet and shuffles it around for you. This means it’s lacking any originality, creativity, or humanity. 

Were you hoping for a fresh take on a classic herbal recipe? Not possible.

Would you like to share a client’s success story? Nope, too personal. 

This is a problem because now - more than ever- consumers crave authentic connections. 90% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding which brands they like and support.

By its very nature, authenticity requires humanity. A robot will never be vulnerable with its audience or share a hard-earned lesson because it doesn’t have emotions or life experiences. 

Artificial intelligence lacks what consumers crave most - the thing only a human can offer - connection.

Reading herbal text

Is ChatGPT Worth the Risk?

Having ChatGPT whip up some generic copy for your website may be tempting. However, it may not be worth the risk of having content that fails to take full advantage of website traffic, can damage your reputation, or cause you to get fined for unwarranted health claims.

And, at the heart of it, don’t you want your business to be a place of connection and authenticity? A place where people feel seen - by you? 

For help bringing your brand’s voice to life, learn more about our copywriting services or schedule a free Discovery Call with our Founder, Hannah, to talk in more depth.


A Content Marketing Strategy for Herbalists